Thursday, October 9, 2008

The age old question

When it comes to epic fantasy we are posed with a question that has been debated for a long time: Robert Jordan or Terry Goodkind? Each has merits and definitely some downsides.

Robert Jordan had come closer to any that I have read to the perfect fantasy novels - The Lord of the Rings. Jordan managed to create such a complex world and setting as few have ever, or will be able to even imagine. Each important character (and there are a ton of them) has been developed to a point to where I would not be surprised to meet Rand or Perrin walking down the street. However, such detailing comes at a price. All of those little details must be written in which takes a lot of space in the book. Also, each of the myriad of characters needs to be doing something, meaning that the series has six million plotlines. A little confusing if you're trying to pick the series back up after some time away. (personal experience) The last issue is the fact that Jordan died without finishing the series. The last book The Memmory of Light has been detailed and given to another author, Brandon Sanderson, (wait for later posts on him) one can never be sure that the last book will be up to par.

Terry Goodkind, on the other hand, features a less complex world and a smaller array of characters. This makes the reading quite a bit easier. There is mainly just a few plotlines, no more than about four, helping the reader remember more of what's going on. I have enjoyed reading Goodkind's stories and seeing the evolution of each character as the learn. Unfortunately, the loss of complexity comes with a loss of quality. The first two books are amazing, but then you have to wait until the fifth to get back to the good stuff.

The verdict? depends on what I'm feeling like. When I wish for near-perfection and have time on my hands, I go for Jordan. If I just want to spend a few hours reliving a good story I stick with Terry Goodkind.

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